So, on to the bloomers! First, I wanted to share the seed pods on the blazing star. When the bloom first falls away, they look like this >>>

See that one in the bottom right corner, that's how they look, but when the pod is about mature, they open up and look almost like another flower!

Look at that star shape! I think it's lovely, and soon the seeds will be mature and I'll save them to share with friends.
Next up, I just wanted to show you the white beauty berry bush, now with green berries. When they are mature, the berries will be white, unlike the regular beauty berry which has brilliant 'fuchsia purple' berries.

See this pretty buddleia? I know, it's a bad picture, but it's been rainy for several days now, and the sun is hard to get just right! Anyway, this buddleia was a freebie! A couple of years ago we went to the lake for a weekend of camping for hubby's birthday. This buddleia was about 18 inches tall and kind of leggy, and right smack in the middle of where the lake would have been if it hadn't been about 16 feet down due to the drought. I dug this baby up and brought it home. It grew and grew and grew, and this spring we cut it to the ground. I mean - all the way down! Now look at it, it's gorgeous! I think next spring (early) I'll cut my other two to the ground, too. They aren't nearly as pretty as this one is now! Anyway, the purple blooms are so pretty, and the butterflies, bees and hummers just love it!

The weeds! Well, not really, I never thought I'd say it, but I'm so tired of pulling up morning glories, moonflowers and hyacinth beans! They are still coming up, and I get out at least 2-3 times a week and pull up the babies. They are just all over the place! I do have a few on trellises that are lovely, but if I left them all, we wouldn't be able to see the house!

The zinnia's around the mailbox are just beautiful! Every one came up volunteer from last year, and I've already been scattering seeds from this year in hopes they will come up in other places next year.

The cleome jungle is gorgeous, and I'm collecting seeds - trying to keep them divided by colors, and I'll share these with family and friends, too. Don't you love the views through the trellis?

This one is called 'Rose Queen' and it's very tall (5') and stately. I love the different depths of the color, from palest pink to brightest pink.

And, the star of the show this week! The moonflowers! I have a couple of them, and a couple of hyacinth beans growing on a wire obelisk right beside the garage door. There's just a bit of a wall - about 18 inches wide - and this is tall and fits there just right. Don't they look like a shrub!

And the blooms are gorgeous! They start opening right before dark, and if you are patient and have plenty of time, you can stand and watch the blooms unfurl. The scent after dark is intoxicating, too! The blooms are at least 6" across - about the size of a small bread/dessert saucer.