In case I haven't told you this before, I have the best husband in the world! We met, oddly enough, through Together Dating Service in April of 1984. I told you all about that in THIS POST, remember? Anyway, we met in April '84 and married in July '85, and will celebrate our 24th anniversary this year. We knew from the beginning that God's hand was all over our meeting, because there was no other way we could have met - without His help, that is!
Anyway, we've had our ups and downs over the years, and he IS a man, after all! (You wives will understand how differently we are made, am I right?) But I can't imagine my life without him, and I am so blessed to have him as my other half! He puts up with me and my "stuff", too.
So, yesterday I was complaining to him, as wives are known to do, about what a hard time I was having making pictures for the guest designer assignment at Making Handmade Cards. The first batch I sent had shadows on them, and they had to be on a white background, and I was just having a heck of a time trying to get pictures good enough for their website! So I complained to him about it, and moved on to something else - like cooking dinner!

Then hubby had to work this morning for a few hours. He rarely has to work on Sunday, but it does happen occasionally, and today was one of those times. So he got up early and left to go to work, spent his few hours there, stopped at WalMart on his way home, and was home before lunchtime.
With a surprise.
For me!
It was this >>>

A Nikon D40 digital SLR (or DSLR) camera! I've been wanting one for ages and ages, but we just couldn't (and still can't) afford one! But he came home with this camera, and said he knew I'd wanted one for a long time, and he almost got one for me for Christmas, and had already made up his mind to get me one for my birthday (April 23rd, btw!), so he went ahead and got it early!
Now, I wanted to hug him and love on him, but at the same time I wanted to make him take it back! The way things are these days, we just shouldn't spend the money. But I also knew that he doesn't give gifts a lot, and when he does they are usually great, and given with his whole, sweet, heart, so making him take it back would hurt him more than he would ever say. So I hugged him and loved on him, and thanked him many times over.
Because, after all, he IS the very best husband in the whole wide world!!!
Have a blessed week, friends! Becky
Lucky you! I wish i could say the same about mine :-(
Take good care of him.
Awesome! I have serious camera envy! LOL :-) Susan
What a sweet and thoughtful "from the heart" gift. Hope you enjoy it!
Wowee!! Great Husband points!!! He'll be out of the doghouse for months for this.
BTW, we have a few dates in common - we celebrate 24 years this Spring, and your BD is 1 day before mine.
As I have read your posts, I would reflect on how you were able to handle your challenges. I pondered and concluded than in addition to being a very strong woman, you were were married to a special man to support you through those challenges. Your post proved my conclusion correct. How wonderful to unexpected have someone bring home such a wonderful surprise.
By the way, April 23 is a special day to me also - my older two children were born on that day - two years apart.
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