Everyone who commented on my WW post knew instinctively that my goal for this year was organization, restructuring, rearranging, making things better - starting in my studio/playroom/office, and hopefully trickling out into the rest of our home.
Well, yesterday I started, and the room looks like it's had an explosion! See what I mean???
And if this was all I could see, I can tell you I would be totally depressed and despondent. But! I can also see this . . . . . .
I took everything out of my closet and cleaned it as well as each of these drawers. I threw away 2 trash cans full and a big box full of stuff!!! There was one box full of miscellaneous craft stuff that came from our old house, and we've lived here more than 5 years! That box is now gone, and everything that was in it has a place, and it is IN that place! I know what is in each of these drawers, and can now find what I need. Do you see that top right hand drawer? That barely holds all the new fabric I got from my midnight eBay find I told you about a few days ago. What a great new stash!!! I can't wait to get this re-organizing finished so I can start creating!These hold larger pieces of fabric - mostly from the forgotten stash my mom had given me a while back. Bottom left, reg. fabric, above that, flannels and fleeces and in the smaller boxes, bubble wrap for shipping and smaller silk flower blooms. Bottom right - chenille, above that painting supplies, and in the ugly box is Christmas ribbon and floral picks.
This is the closet as it appears now. I need more plastic storage units, but for now it's looking pretty great! The top shelf, by the way, is reserved for houshold files, etc. It will probably be a couple of weeks before I have the budget to go buy any more storage stuff, but in the meantime I'll be dividing things up and deciding where things will go. The pink box on top of the center drawer unit will go up on the top shelf, and my 'project baskets' will fit across the 3 units.
It's so nice knowing that although things look very bad at the moment, there is a method to the madness and in a few days things in here will be looking almost like new - organizationally speaking.
No straightening for me today, though! A friend of my dad's passed away and I promised to take him to the funeral home for a visit this afternoon. Not my idea of a pleasant Sunday afternoon, but it is important to him, so it is important to me. Have a Blessed Sunday, friends! Becky
Looking good! You go, girl! -Tish
Wow, you're making progress! I just pulled all my fabric scraps out of their ziplocks and sorted them - I was sitting on the floor surrounded by tiny pieces of fabric but now I've got it all back where it goes...
Your reorganization is moving along impressively. Sometimes going slowly (as budget allows) gives time for clarity in planning as you go.
Can't wait to see the finished project :-)
Thanks for your warm words of condolences.
I think you're doing a fabulous job! It's a shame, but you really do have to have the explosion prior to the perfection! Once you have everything organized, your creativity will soar! I know I feel so paralized by my clutter... you are inspiring me to have an explosion of my own!
blessing and blissfulness... Dixie
Everytime before I get everything looking great it looks like a bomb went off...my husband looks at it and wonders what I am doing! Way to go.
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