Yes, finally, after months of down time, the treasure hunting season has once again gotten under way! (By the way, I call visiting yard sales, estate sales, flea markets, etc. treasure hunts, because that's what they really are!) On Saturday, on our way to Sue's house for the Sunshine Sisters March gathering, Phyllis and I saw numerous yard sale signs, and while we didn't have time to stop, we knew we would be stopping at some on the way home! The gathering was great, by the way, and we now have five (5) members - wahoo!
Anyway, the gathering ran longer than expected, and by the time we headed for home the very large subdivision sale had ended. But I had a secret! I had been wanting to visit Mr. Boling's 'Barn Sale' for a long time, and the time was right! I took Phyllis in the back way, through the winding and hilly narrow road that led to the 'barn', which was really a chicken house. I had been there a year or so ago, and I wanted to see if he still had a treasure I didn't buy that day. And he did! Two of them . . .

I know there is only one in the picture, but I got two of them - for $1 each! They are very old, heavy glass saucers that were used for watering chickens, primarily baby chicks. You put it on top of a jar of water and flip it over. Water runs into the saucer and stops when it gets up to a certain line, but as the chicks drink the water, more goes into the saucer. I remember these from my childhood - we had a chicken house that burned down only weeks before my sixth birthday, and I remember getting loads of new baby chicks in and putting these out with water for them. I also got this . . .
It's an old 'Black Draught' syrup bottle. I loved it for the color and . . . .
. . . the slim size. It is narrow and fits perfectly on my window sill in the breakfast room. And doesn't it display these . . .
beautiful camellias from the bush beside our chimney just beautifully? Our home is Camellia Cottage, after all! This variety is from Monrovia Nurseries and is called 'April Remembered'. I love it - very, very much! Oh, and I paid 50 cents for the bottle.
And I also got this . . . .
. . . a very sweet vintage pillow case. I've been looking for a special one to use to make an apron. I found
THIS tutorial online and want to try it out! I think this will make a very sweet apron to add to my collection!
And I also got these . . .
. . . two very sweet feed sacks or flour sacks. They are kind of faded from washings, but are vrery soft and pretty. One of them had two pretty bad spots on them, but I've washed them twice, and soaked them in hot water with oxi-clean for about 24 hours, and all that is left is a faint orange marking and you really have to look for it, so I'm really pleased. Oh, and I got the pillowcase and two feed sacks for 50 cents each.
So I spent a huge $4 at Mr. Boling's Barn Sale! And my friend Phyllis bought me something there, but I'll save that to share with you another day.
Anyway, once again we headed home and saw a yard sale. It was pretty pitiful looking, but we got out and looked anyway, and I found a treasure there, too! Here's what I got . . .
Two pretty china cups; the first one (l) is Royal Devon bone china, is a very pretty shape, and will probably very soon become a pretty pin cushion. Maybe? I really think it's cute! So it's a toss up as to whether I'll make it into a pincushion or keep it!
The one on the right has this mark . . .
. . .a shamrock, laurel, and the word Japan. Does anyone know anything about this marking? If so, I'd love to know whatever you can tell me! And I got both of these for another 50 cents. Love that!
So I spent a grand total of $4.50 and got some pretty cool treasures. But the best treasure I've gotten recently was this . . . . .
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I lost two computers to a virus? Well, the first died on Thursday, the second died on Friday, and I was having a very bad day - until this came in the mail. And this is how it was packaged . . .
A little burlap bag tied up with a pack of sweet n sour smarties, a sweet label telling how my goodie was made just for me. What is it? Well . . . .
. . . it's my Mary Jane's Farm Sisterhood necklace! My birthday is in April, and I told hubby this was what I wanted, and he told me to go ahead and order it (and I did)! It is beautiful, heavy, and has my sister # - 1941 - on the front, along with a pink rose with a bit of glitter.
The back side has a very cute farmgirl image and the words Mary Jane's Farm.
I love it, and have worn it almost ever since it came. To get a sisterhood necklace you must be a member of the Mary Jane's Farm sisterhood, but Elaine makes all kinds of very sweet charms similar to this. You can check them out
at her website.
So, not only did I receive a treasure that was very special to me, I also bought some great treasures in the first official weekend of treasure hunting. What a fun weekend! Now it's your turn! What kind of treasures have YOU found lately!
Blessings friends, and don't forget to Be Joyful Always! Becky